Forage Varieties

Emergence Time: 7 days
Seeds Per Pound: 200,000
Winter Hardiness: Good
Drainage: Well Drained
Bloat Hazard: Yes

FSG 420 LH

Highly Resistant to Leaf Hopper (HR)
Tap Root,  Fall Dormancy 4, Winter Survival 2
Valid 2
High Yeilding Multifleaf Alfalfa
Fall Dormancy 4,  Tap Root, Winter Survival 2

Branch root chracteristics with high genetic resistance to miltiple stains of root rot; for poorly drained soils

Fall Dormancy 4.0    Good Regrowth & Winterhardy


Economical Hay Type, Fine Stemmed,

Persistent Winterhardiness

Medium Type which flowers later, similar to Vernal

#1 Alfalfa
Good Alfalfa without the certified tag

Emergence Time: 10 days
Seeds Per Pound:1,230,000
Winter Hardiness: Good
Drainage: Somewhat Poorly Drained


A later maturing Timothy. Cool season pasture and hay, persistence 5+ years
An early Timothy with good regrowth, persistence 5+ years

Rye Grass:
Emergence Time: 14 days
Seeds Per Pound:227,000
Winter Hardiness: Fair
Drainage: Well Drained
Palatability: Very High


A later maturing rye grass, excellent quality and palatability, good tolerance to close grazing, used in pasture or stored feed, persistence 2-3 years
#1 Perennial Rye
Economical Perennial Rye Grass
#1 Annual Rye
Economical Annual Rye Grass
Italian Rye
Fast growing annual used for pasture or haylage

Emergence Time: 7 days
Seeds Per Pound:274,000
Winter Hardiness: Good
Drainage: Somewhat Poorly Drained

Santa Fe Red Clover

Multicut Red Clover
Common Double Cut
Good ploughdown or one year haylage
Common Single Cut
Used as ploughdown
Common Yellow Sweet Clover
Good for plowdown and attractive to bees
Common White Sweet Clover
800,000 seeds per lb.
Deeper rooted, taller and coarser that yellow sweet clover
Ladino Clover
Used in pastures, tall growing white clover
Huia White Clover
Used in pastures, short gowing white clover
Alsike Clover
Very good tolerance to wet, acidic soils, should not be used for horses

Orchard Grass:
Emergence Time: 18 days
Seeds Per Pound:653,000
Winter Hardiness: Fair
Drainage: Somewhat Poorly Drained

Beluga  Orchard

Late maturity for pasture or haylage
Common Orchard
An Economical Orchardgrass

Emergence Time: 14 days
Seeds Per Pound:227,000
Winter Hardiness: Fair
Drainage: Somewhat Poorly Drained

Select Tall Fescue

High yielding in summer and fall, endophyte free, good tolerance to acidic soul, used in pasture and stored feed, coarse leaves, persistence 5+ years
Pardus Meadow Fescue
Good feed quality in fall with fine leave, less yeild than tall fescue, Pasture grass, persistence 5 years
Tall Fescue
Economical Tall Fescue
Meadow Fescue
Economical Meadow Fescue
Creeping Red Fescue

Good tolerance to close grazing and to acidic soils, easy to establish, used in pastures, persistence 5+ years

Brome Grass:
Seeds Per Pound:136,000
Winter Hardiness: Good
Drainage: Somewhat Poorly Drained

(smooth brome)

Excellent spring yield, fast recovery after grazing, persistence 5+ years
Common Brome
An Economical Brome Grass

Birdsfoot Trefoil:
Seeds Per Pound:424,000
Winter Hardiness: Good
Drainage: Somewhat Poorly Drained


Slow to establish, no bloat hazard, good tolerance to acidic and variabley drained soil
Common Trefoil
Economical Trefoil

Reed Canary Grass:
Seeds Per Pound:532,000
Drainage: Well drained to poor drained


Easy but slow to establish, low drought tolerance, excellent yield