Forage Varieties
Emergence Time: 7 days
Seeds Per Pound: 200,000
Winter Hardiness: Good
Drainage: Well Drained
Bloat Hazard: Yes
FSG 420 LH | Highly Resistant to Leaf Hopper (HR) Tap Root, Fall Dormancy 4, Winter Survival 2 |
Valid 2 | High Yeilding Multifleaf Alfalfa Fall Dormancy 4, Tap Root, Winter Survival 2 |
Caliber | Branch root chracteristics with high genetic resistance to miltiple stains of root rot; for poorly drained soils Fall Dormancy 4.0 Good Regrowth & Winterhardy |
Algonquin | Economical Hay Type, Fine Stemmed, Persistent Winterhardiness Medium Type which flowers later, similar to Vernal |
#1 Alfalfa | Good Alfalfa without the certified tag |
Emergence Time: 10 days
Seeds Per Pound:1,230,000
Winter Hardiness: Good
Drainage: Somewhat Poorly Drained
Climax | A later maturing Timothy. Cool season pasture and hay, persistence 5+ years |
Titan | An early Timothy with good regrowth, persistence 5+ years |
Rye Grass:
Emergence Time: 14 days
Seeds Per Pound:227,000
Winter Hardiness: Fair
Drainage: Well Drained
Palatability: Very High
Soyaya | A later maturing rye grass, excellent quality and palatability, good tolerance to close grazing, used in pasture or stored feed, persistence 2-3 years |
#1 Perennial Rye | Economical Perennial Rye Grass |
#1 Annual Rye | Economical Annual Rye Grass |
Italian Rye | Fast growing annual used for pasture or haylage |
Emergence Time: 7 days
Seeds Per Pound:274,000
Winter Hardiness: Good
Drainage: Somewhat Poorly Drained
Santa Fe Red Clover | Multicut Red Clover |
Common Double Cut | Good ploughdown or one year haylage |
Common Single Cut | Used as ploughdown |
Common Yellow Sweet Clover | Good for plowdown and attractive to bees |
Common White Sweet Clover 800,000 seeds per lb. | Deeper rooted, taller and coarser that yellow sweet clover |
Ladino Clover | Used in pastures, tall growing white clover |
Huia White Clover | Used in pastures, short gowing white clover |
Alsike Clover | Very good tolerance to wet, acidic soils, should not be used for horses |
Orchard Grass:
Emergence Time: 18 days
Seeds Per Pound:653,000
Winter Hardiness: Fair
Drainage: Somewhat Poorly Drained
Beluga Orchard | Late maturity for pasture or haylage |
Common Orchard | An Economical Orchardgrass |
Emergence Time: 14 days
Seeds Per Pound:227,000
Winter Hardiness: Fair
Drainage: Somewhat Poorly Drained
Select Tall Fescue | High yielding in summer and fall, endophyte free, good tolerance to acidic soul, used in pasture and stored feed, coarse leaves, persistence 5+ years |
Pardus Meadow Fescue | Good feed quality in fall with fine leave, less yeild than tall fescue, Pasture grass, persistence 5 years |
Tall Fescue | Economical Tall Fescue |
Meadow Fescue | Economical Meadow Fescue |
Creeping Red Fescue | Good tolerance to close grazing and to acidic soils, easy to establish, used in pastures, persistence 5+ years |
Brome Grass:
Seeds Per Pound:136,000
Winter Hardiness: Good
Drainage: Somewhat Poorly Drained
Carlton | Excellent spring yield, fast recovery after grazing, persistence 5+ years |
Common Brome | An Economical Brome Grass |
Birdsfoot Trefoil:
Seeds Per Pound:424,000
Winter Hardiness: Good
Drainage: Somewhat Poorly Drained
Leo | Slow to establish, no bloat hazard, good tolerance to acidic and variabley drained soil |
Common Trefoil | Economical Trefoil |
Reed Canary Grass:
Seeds Per Pound:532,000
Drainage: Well drained to poor drained
Marathon | Easy but slow to establish, low drought tolerance, excellent yield |